Bonino asks European Parliament to help with marines case

IMG class=hide alt=”Bonino asks European Parliament to help with marines case” src=”” (ANSA) – Rome, February 19 – Foreign Minister Emma Bonino on Wednesday told the partners of two Italian marines held in India that she is urging the president of the European Parliament to intervene in the case. P”I wrote to the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, urging his intervention in the case,” Bonino said during a meeting with the partners of the servicemen facing terror charges in India for allegedly killing two Indian fishermen during an anti-piracy mission in 2012./PPOne day earlier, Vania Ardito, wife of Salvatore Girone, and Paola Moschetti, partner of Massimiliano Latorre, said they had faith in Italian institutions to help with the case./PPBonino said that it was “important to involve colleagues from other countries,” such as Schulz in pressing India to move rapidly on the case./PPThe marines are accused of killing fishermen Valentine (aka Gelastine) and Ajesh Binki after allegedly mistaking them for pirates and opening fire on their fishing trawler while guarding the privately owned Italian-flagged oil-tanker MT Enrica Lexie off the coast of Kerala on February 15, 2012./P
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