IMG class=hide alt=”Police take child away from ‘parasite’ mother” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-51b3632171bd906d8486244f1541b9f2.jpg” (ANSA) – Genoa, January 8 – Plain clothes police officers and social workers have taken a four-year-old girl from a mother due to the latter’s alleged ”unwillingness to work”. The girl was taken out of nursery school on Tuesday and placed in foster care temporarily. PJudges said that the 38-year-old mother, who has Romanian origins, ”places enormous limits on her work availability”, thereby putting the child’s ”psychosocial health and growth prospects at risk”./PPThey added that she ”exploits the girl” in order to be granted public housing and other benefits./PPThe Italian newspaper Il Secolo XIX, however, reports that the woman works as a caregiver and officially receives 200 euros monthly, plus extra under-the-table, but still has to make use of social services to get by. The school principal said that the child was always ”clean and tidy. And her mother is a good person”. ”Tell me how to get my daughter back,” the mother pleaded in reaction, sobbing. ”They wanted to assign me a court-appointed lawyer, but I refused. I don’t trust anyone anymore.” /P
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