IMG class=hide alt=”Prosecutor asks 7.5 years for Luigi Lusi on embezzlement” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-dcbf65cb76e1fd0ae835bc9fbdd76186.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, February 7 – A Rome prosecutor requested a 7.5-year prison sentence for the former treasurer of the now defunct centre-left Daisy Party, Luigi Lusi, who is accused of embezzling more than 25 million euros of electoral funding. Prosecutor Stefano Pesci asked that the ex-senator be banned for life from public office and for the seizure of 25.6 million euros in assets – the amount of party funding Lusi is accused of taking. POn December 30, Lusi was ordered to reimburse 22.8 million euros of the allegedly misappropriated party funds, and has been under house arrest since May after his release from prison./PPThe prosecutor requested a three-year prison sentence for accountant Mario Montecchia and 2.5 years for Montecchia’s former colleague Giovanni Sebastio./PPLusi, Montecchia and Sebastio are accused of criminal conspiracy for embezzlement, but Lusi is also charged with slandering his ex-boss, Francesco Rutelli, former leader of the Margherita party 2002-2007./PPThe prosecutor petitioned for the acquittal of Lusi’s secretary, Diana Ferri. The former Daisy Party is one of a number of Italian parties hit by funding scandals in recent years, increasing public disaffection with politics./P
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