P(ANSA) – Rome, April 23 – As Premier Matteo Renzi and his government prepared for a confidence vote Wednesday on a controversial new labour law, he took a swipe at political opponents including Beppe Grillo of the 5-Star Movement (M5S).BRRenzi used his Twitter feed to mock critics of his government’s measures, including a new tax cut for 10 million low-income Italians that amounts to 80 euros per month, particularly naming Grillo, a wealthy comedian who said the tax cuts amounted to very little.BR”The comedian millionaires say the 80 euros is a joke,” tweeted Renzi.BR”If they tried to live with 1,200 euro per month, they would not say (it’s a joke),” added Renzi.BRBut the premier had more serious concerns as his labour decree has generated controversy among his allies heading into a confidence vote.BRRenzi said he was committed to seeing the measures pass because something must done quickly to deal with Italy’s soaring jobless rate which has reached a record high of 13%, with over four in 10 under-25s out of work. “It is not acceptable not to deal with the tragedy of unemployment,” said Renzi. “We are debating…details (when) we should think of Italians”.BRThe opposition Forza Italia suggested Renzi was in more trouble than he admitted.BR”The government no longer has the majority and the numbers to govern,” said FI House whip Renato Brunetta.BRRenzi’s government chose to put its labour-reform decree to a confidence vote in the Lower House to speed its passage through parliament and quash dissent but the move is risky, as the government will collapse if it loses the vote.BRThe New Centre Right (NCD), a junior partner in the coalition government, had threatened to vote against the decree because it is not happy with amendments passed in a committee. It said it would back the confidence vote, but vowed to battle to change the law in the Senate.BRThe Civic Choice (SC) party of former premier Mario Monti said the same thing.BRThe decree is part of a drive to simplify Italy’s current myriad of different work contracts and benefits and help encourage firms to take on workers, especially young ones. It includes changes to set employers a limit of five temporary contracts that they can offer new staff members in their first three years with the company.BRUnder the original version of the legislation, the limit was eight temporary contracts in the three-year period, after which the job must become permanent.BR/P
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