Photo: Hershel Friedman Mineraloids are most often placed with mineral specimens, or one does not know exactly how to classify them. They come up in conversations among rock-hounds and collecting… [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website … Continue reading
Moonstone left and Opalite on the right. Photo: InVogueJewelry It’s really pretty easy to tell if something is Opalite—which is just glass, and not a gemstone—or if it’s Moonstone. Moonstone is a sodium potassium aluminium silicate, with the chemical formula … Continue reading
Old dormant volcano Volcanoes are an impressive force of nature. Physically, they dominate the landscape, and have an active role in shaping our planet’s geography. When they are actively erupting, they are an extremely dangerous and destructive force. But when … Continue reading
Both minerals and gemstones have their own science. The science of minerals is called mineralogy and gemology is a branch of mineralogy. Minerals occur naturally in the earth?s crust and are defined as inorganic solids that have characteristic chemical composition … Continue reading
Gorgeous large cabinet plate of raspberry-purple Fluorite cubes clustered atop Sphalerite with Barite!From the Elmwood Mine, Smith County, Tennessee.credit:themineralgallery..com Have you ever wondered what the difference is between crystal and mineral? Perhaps you thought that there was none at all. … Continue reading
Rocks– A rock is made up of 2 or more minerals. You need minerals to make rocks, but you don’t need rocks to make minerals. All rocks are made of minerals. For example, granite is a mixture of the minerals … Continue reading
A study by Stanford researchers found that the likelihood of large-magnitude manmade earthquakes increases over time, independent of the previous seismicity rate. Credit: cigden/Shutterstock.com A new study by Stanford researchers suggests that earthquakes triggered by human activity follow several indicative … Continue reading
A new study describes for the first time the developmental processes that differentiate Neanderthal facial skeletons from those of modern humans. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily
IMG class=hide alt=”Top court reinstates difference between soft,hard drugs” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-a6ab8613a7b1fe576df2042394fe1c8c.jpg” (By Sandra Cordon) (ANSA) – Rome, February 12 – Italy’s Constitutional Court on Wednesday threw out as “illegitimate” a 2005 law that equates the possession of soft drugs to heavy … Continue reading