A new study identifies two fossils previously thought to be generic carnivorans (a large, diverse order of mammals) as some of the earliest known members of the beardog family. These fossils are from animals estimated to be no larger than … Continue reading
A geologist team describes new findings that challenge the currently accepted model of the ‘Great Dying,’ a catastrophic extinction event that occurred more than 250 million years ago. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily
(see related) (ANSA) – Rome, December 9 – Astronaut Luca Parmitano, who became the first Italian to walk in space earlier this year, said Monday that the findings that Mars could have hosted life make it even more necessary to … Continue reading
(ANSA) – Rome, November 5 – Findings by the European Commission “reaffirm the health of our public finances,” and show that the Italian government is on the right fiscal track, officials said Tuesday. The comments came the same day that … Continue reading