Tag Archives: privacy

Privacy indaga su app mediche

PIl Garante per la privacy avvier

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Facebook, new in the view of the privacy

PChanges in the view on configuration of privacy on Facebook. Three major changes expected in an upcoming meeting with the American media: the circle of people with whom to share the post will be more recognizable in the Facebook application, … Continue reading

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Stored data are interference in privacy

PThe Court of Justice States invalidates the data retention directive because “it implies profound interference and particularly serious fundamental rights to respect for private life and protection of personal data, not limited to the minimum necessary”. They were the Irish … Continue reading

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Google Glass, 72% American privacy fears

PA good portion of Americans that the Google Glass weaves does not fear the price of the device-$ 1500 at the time so the desarrolladores-sino rather its effects on privacy. According to a survey of Toluna published in AdWeek, 72% … Continue reading

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Facebook testing checkups ‘ privacy’

PFacebook begins to become ‘fear’ against its million and spends people: according to some blogs use, the social network is apparently testing a function to remind members who share certain content, putting them in the actions under the mode of … Continue reading

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Privacy watchdog following De Girolamo case ‘closely’

IMG class=hide alt=”Privacy watchdog following De Girolamo case ‘closely’” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-ab019f4a07c3167b0cc985f31e4b93dc.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, January 14 – The Italian data protection authority said Tuesday it was “closely following developments” in the case of Agriculture Minister Nunzia De Girolamo as new transcripts … Continue reading

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Italian intelligence, privacy watchdog sign protocol

(ANSA) – Rome, November 11 – Italy’s Privacy Protection Authority and its Security Intelligence Department (DIS) on Monday signed a protocol guaranteeing citizens’ privacy. ”This is a significant government response to our call for the protection of citizens’ personal data, … Continue reading

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Maradona supports Balotelli’s plea for privacy

(ANSA) – Milan, October 17 – The media and fans alike should respect Mario Balotelli’s plea for privacy, Argentinian soccer great Diego Maradona said Thursday. “Everyone manages his life as he wants, so leave Balotelli alone,” Maradona, an ex-Napoli player … Continue reading

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