P(ANSA) – Rome, April 22 – Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan on Tuesday defended last week’s 10 billion euros in income-tax cuts for low-income earners, say it could take time for the measures to be fully implemented.BR”The glass is half full and we intend to fill it completely over time as the measures are strengthened and become permanent and the beneficiary base widens,” Padoan told Radio Anch’io.BRThe decree, approved by cabinet on Friday, means 10 million taxpayers should save about 80 euros per month.BR”The operation will take a few months to be fine-tuned,” he added.BRPremier Matteo Renzi has always insisted that the 80 euro tax measure would be effective from May. Padoan also defended the decision to exclude pensioners and people with insufficient earnings from the tax cuts.BR”It would have cost too much and would have been unconvincing,” he said.BRPresenting the decree Friday, Renzi said he hoped retired people and so-called ‘incapienti’ would recieve breaks in the future.BR/P
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